Myanmar Research

2019 | Mozilla | Designer

In 2019, the Taipei UX team focused on exploratory research in the Emerging Market, which included Indonesia, Thailand, and Myanmar. The primary goal was to identify new opportunities for Mozilla's products.

In this UX research project, I collaborated with two researchers to plan and execute the field study in Myanmar. My background in research allowed me to contribute to forming research questions based on secondary research and conducting interviews.

As the designer on the team, my main responsibility was to generate early concepts based on the insights gathered during the research.

In the final report, I presented approximately 10 concepts that were derived from the three user journeys we defined. One of these early concepts later inspired Firefox Lite team to implement a video download feature.

View Myanmar Research

Re Camera Longitudinal Study

2015 | HTC | Researcher

This study aimed to gain insights into how Re Camera owners choose, use, and perceive the Re Camera during the period from March to May 2015.

We initiated the research process with a screener survey in March 2015, recruiting 137 Re Camera owners from Taipei to participate.

In April 2015, we conducted a diary study, inviting 15 participants for a longitudinal investigation spanning three weeks.

Finally, in April 2015, we conducted in-depth interviews, each lasting 45–60 minutes, with the same 15 participants.

The final report featured a comprehensive user journey map and two personas, illuminating their unmet needs. I shared the key findings with stakeholders to inform the design of the next generation of Re Camera.

Beijing Senior Citizens Lifestyle

2014 | HTC | Researcher

The "age of aging" was approaching, and 2015 marked the commencement of the end of China's "demographic dividend." To comprehend the daily lives and technologies adopted by the elderly, we conducted home interviews in Beijing.

In March 2014, we conducted 1.5-hour-long interviews with 10 senior citizens, ranging in age from 60 to 70, alongside their spouses, children, and relatives.

China User Research

2012 - 2013 | HTC | Researcher

To gain a comprehensive understanding of HTC users in China, we conducted three types of research:

Home interview, Sep 2012, Beijing

Recruiting 12 current or previous HTC owners to delve into their experiences and perceptions.

In-depth interview, Nov 2012, Shanghai

Recruiting 12 current or previous HTC owners who were also intensive SNS users, aiming to gain insights into their usage patterns and behaviors.

Diary study, In-depth interview, Sep 2013, Beijing

A total of 30 participants from Beijing, China, received a new HTC One to use for 9 days. Throughout the study, they responded to daily phone usage surveys, sharing their reactions to specific features and providing satisfaction ratings. Subsequently, they participated in in-depth interviews at the study's conclusion to elaborate on their experiences.

In the final report, we clarified the myth of Dual-SIM phone usage, addressed data usage concerns, introduced popular apps dominating the Chinese market, and conveyed the most significant impressions of HTC One through data visualizations.

Family Memory Study

2012 - 2013 | HTC | Researcher

As mobile devices increasingly become the primary platform for capturing and sharing life memories, this study focused on understanding user needs regarding how family memories can be created, utilized, and shared with mobile devices.

Secondary research, Nov 2012, Taipei

We identified the subject domain and gathered relevant information from various sources. By comparing and analyzing the data obtained, we laid the foundation for the subsequent brainstorming phase.

Brainstorming, Feb 2012, Seattle

Building upon the insights garnered from secondary research, we defined problems and opportunities and crafted specific questions. Inviting UX designers based in Seattle, we brainstormed innovative ideas and creative solutions.

In conclusion, we docunmented the user needs and requirements, proposing design directions for mobile life memory services catering to both individuals and families. We presented scenarios and ideas based on the findings and our comprehensive analysis of the secondary study.